Less than 10 photos
Dealerships with under 10% missing photos, featuring high-quality, detailed shots, and 20+ staged images, generate the most leads.
Vehicles with fewer than 10 high-quality photos tend to get fewer leads, per industry standards.
0 of 0 your vehicles have fewer than 10 photos
Price not changed in 7 days
Prices unchanged for 7+ days can hurt lead generation, so we want to regularly check if we're priced to market.
Updating prices by at least 1% every 7 days keeps units competitive and signals changes to third-party platforms.
0 of 0 your vehicles have not had a price change in 7 days
Days on lot over 20 days
Dealerships with fewer cars over 30 days achieve a higher turnover rate, aiming for 12 turns per year.
Maintaining low inventory aging (under 30 days) leads to faster turnover, indicating efficient inventory management practices.
0 of 0 your vehicles have been on the lot for over 20 days
Popular Cars
Use a daily Google API to show only cars popular in your specific zip code, increasing local relevance.
Filtering by zip code for popular cars can boost visibility and lead generation in targeted areas.
0 of 0 of your vehicles are popular in your city
Fast Movers
Use DMS and CRM data to display only cars that sell in less than 30 days at your dealership.
Focusing on faster-selling cars improves inventory turnover and lead generation efficiency..
0 of 0 of your vehicles are fast movers